Aimless Thoughts: Delirious Coda
I’m sitting out on my deck right now, at eleven P.M. on the Saturday after 9/11 and Friday the Thirteenth. Mid-September nights feel how July nights used to. One major political party, representing one half of the seats in Congress, refuses to acknowledge this fact. The other refuses to do anything. They’re both run by the big industrial companies, of course, and bribery just keeps getting easier. Sometimes I miss being close to that industry, though. I remember sitting outside in Little Detroit, listening to the factories churn death into the air all night long. The paper mill stench will never leave my nose, the industrial background hum remains in my heart years after it left my ears. I’ll take crickets and owls any day. I’m uneasy about this place. I don’t want to stay here forever. It’s too small for me and her to spread out in. It’s been a great bachelor pad, it’s got features good and bad that I’ll cher...