
Aimless Thoughts: Rocky Roads Coda

I’m outside at midnight, hands in my pockets, because Artemis had to piss. Icy snow crunches beneath her paws. The only other sound is the only music anyone ever made in Oshkosh, the ceaseless industrial hum. Faint out here, but still audible on quiet nights. The thumping groans of distant quarries, junkyards and cloud machines, a sound I’d love to escape but couldn’t possibly sleep without. Lily kept the door wide open for me. From this angle you can make out the threshold in exact detail; the precise moment in space when graphite winter night gives way to the warm, burnt-orange glow of lights reflecting off wood panels. It’s the only color in sight. I faintly recall learning in eighth grade French that their word for door is “porte”. Artemis pulls the leash tense. The dog runs us along paths loosely dusted with snow. She keeps running til the house stops blocking the wind, then she barks and runs straight back to the door. I let her in and take a last look at the sidewalk and the...

Aimless Thoughts: Sex, Dogs and Rocky Roads

  Every single name in this story has been changed, sans the name of anybody I’ve written about before. The reasons for this will become obvious pretty quickly. About two weeks before, in a parking lot “Didja know he used to sleep with a police radio on and bike over to anything happening close to the house?” “That sounds exactly like something my dad would do.” “No shit?” “Yeah.” “...” “I hope they can settle their shit before they die.” “Me too.” “Dad’s just so fuckin’ stubborn. I figured your grandpa might be more willing to say hi, with how bubbly and nice he is.” “Don’t let him fool you, grandpa’s just as stubborn as your dad.” “I guess they are brothers.” “Yeah. That’s all we got in this family, isn’t it? Just a buncha stubborn men.” About two weeks before, after finishing an episode of Breaking Bad “I’m on Walter’s side, honestly.” “I dunno, I’d hate to be Skyler here. Just trying to keep your husband alive and he refuses everything you offer him.” “Well, it’s his choice.” “...