Faction Paradox: The Boulevard, Vol. 2 Review - Beginner-friendly, but I liked it too!
Oh lord it’s been nearly two years since my last Faction Paradox review. I certainly haven’t lost interest in the series, though. It’s just been a busy time for me, between reading and writing other things and moving into my new house. I still plan to continue talking about this series whenever I find time, and what better place to start than the newest book? Especially because it’s one I’d been hotly anticipating. The first Boulevard book ranks among the most disappointing entries in the series for me but I still love the idea of the Boulevard. So how was book two? In short: this was almost exactly what I wanted the first book to be like. If the Boulevard as a concept interests you, this is the one to get. Almost every story here is at least good, the variety is impressive and the editing is stronger than last time. Not flawless, mind you. There are still spaces between every paragraph and a handful of typos, albeit not as many as last time. Bu...